Orchard House
Orchard House, B24 9JP | 0121 377 7551
Orchard House is a residential for people aged 25-80. The goal being to support people into further independence within the community following discharge from a hospital setting.
Orchard House is a Mental Health Community Recovery Home for men. This is a support-worker-led, step-down facility for service users that require continued recovery work within a less restrictive setting. The service is staffed on a 24-hour basis. It provides people with proactive, time limited and continued rehabilitation services. It is flexible enough to meet individual needs and focus upon assisting recovery. The goal being to support people into further independence within the community following discharge from a hospital setting.
Mental health rehabilitation placements will always be of a time-limited nature and permanent placements should not be considered for this scheme. The duration of placements should last no longer than 18-24 months.
Service user Profile
- Male.
- Predominantly adults of working age (older adults will not be excluded on the criteria of age alone).
- Primary diagnosis of mental illness with complex needs; this would typically include Schizophrenia, Schizo-affective disorder or bipolar affective disorder; although no diagnosis will warrant exclusion for assessment.
- The person is subject to the provisions of the CPA.
- May have a secondary diagnosis of learning disability or personality disorder
- Forensic history.
- Complex risk history, including forensic involvement, and substance, drug and alcohol issues.
- Vulnerable to abuse, exploitation from others or self-neglect.
- The individual is currently in a mental health hospital and is ready for discharge.
- The individual agrees to continuing a programme of rehabilitation within a residential setting.
- Each person must have a named care co-ordinator from a Community Mental Health Team or Assertive Outreach Team and written care plan under CPA.
The service is staffed by the following experienced staff:
- Registered Manager
- Senior Support Workers
- Support Workers
Orchard House benefits from the visiting input of a full multi-disciplinary team:
- Registered Nurse
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Occupational Therapy
Social Inclusion
Orchard House is based in a residential part of Erdington. It is only a 10-minute walk to the shopping hub of Erdington town centre and a 5-minute walk from Erdington library and the local Leisure Centre. It is on a main bus route and other areas of Birmingham are easily accessible.
Birmingham has all the benefits of a major city with:
- the Library of Birmingham located at Centenary Square, one of the largest public libraries in the world
- National Indoor Arena (NIA)
- International Convention Centre (ICC)
- Theatres
- Museums, including Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
- Symphony Hall
- National Exhibition Centre (NEC)
- A variety of sports stadiums and teams
- Exceptional shopping
- And much more…
Birmingham benefits from its central location within the country with excellent public transport links.