Dartmouth House CQC Review

Posted by: Admin2 | Date: 12th August 2021

The CQC contacted Dartmouth house to complete a remote review of our services. This review occurred between 16-18 December. Following the review, a formal letter was sent to Dartmouth House (which replaces the usual report used before the pandemic). Here are some important sections from the letter:

“We had a discussion to enable the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to continue to monitor the care and treatment of patients detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA) during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope in this way to avoid visiting your ward unless we identify serious concerns with the quality of care and treatment being provided to detained patients…. During this review we spoke with you [Matthew Lockley]. We also spoke with two registered mental health nurses, speciality doctor, a carer and three patients. We received written responses from the responsible clinician (RC), MHA administrator, advocacy and five completed patient experience forms.”

“We spoke with three patients who all gave positive feedback about their care and treatment at Dartmouth House:

  • All patients said they felt safe at the hospital, were aware of their rights to appeal against their detention, involved in writing their care plan and aware of their discharge pathway.
  • All patients we spoke with identified themselves as south Asian. They said staff supported them to practice their religious faith and respected their cultural needs, for example going to the Temple with staff and eating food
  • appropriate to their culture.
  • They said staff have given them information about COVID-19 and how to keep themselves safe. Staff attitude was described as “professional, good and nice”.
  • One patient was admitted to Dartmouth House during the pandemic. He said on admission, he was placed in a room in another part of the hospital which he described “suitable and spacious”.
  • All patients were aware of advocacy services but do not need their service at present.
  • We received five completed patient experience forms. Most feedback was positive. All forms indicated patients felt safe on the ward and described all staff attitude as good or very good.”

“I am pleased to note that no points for action have been identified. Thank you again for your continued support to enable us to monitor the care and treatment of detained patients and use of the MHA.”

For more information please see this letter: