NMCWatch are thrilled to have been awarded a grant by The Laura Hyde Foundation (LHF) which enables them to formalise the support they currently offer to nurses, midwives and associated healthcare professionals. These are colleagues who are undergoing Fitness to Practice (FtP) investigations by their regulator, such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) or a local employment dispute.
The “Buddy – hold my hand” pilot will allocate a registrant buddy to each new member of the NMCWatch group. This buddy will provide both practical and emotional support with the added benefit that they have been through the process themselves so fully understand it’s impact.
Options for Care are in full support of this project as it provides a much needed resource for many care professionals in need.
More information on this project can be found in this Press Release:
or on their website: https://nmcwatch.org.uk